KWSC General Meeting


The next KWSC General Meeting will be held on Monday, April 4, 2011 at the Ongwanada Resource Centre located at 191 Portsmouth Avenue.  The meeting will commence at 7:00 PM.  All teams interested in participating in the Outdoor 2011 Soccer season must have a team representative present at the meeting. 

As according to Outdoor Rule 2.1 those teams returning to play in the outdoor session that are in good standing will have their "place" guaranteed up to the registration and payment deadlines.  New teams will then have the opportunity to register after that date.

The minutes of the last KWSC General Meeting that occurred on August 16, 2010 can be found here:,_2010).pdf.

The Agenda for this meeting can be found here:,_2011).pdf.   

The Budget for the 2011 Outdoor Soccer Season can be found here:,_2011).pdf.

Please note the deadlines for team payments:

Monday, April 4th

$500 - non-refundable deposit required to solidify position in the league


Collection - will take place from 6-7pm before the General Meeting


Tuesday, April 26th

$1,670 - approximately 60% of the balance remaining after non-refundable deposit


Collection - will take place from 6-9pm at the SOSA office


Tuesday, May 10th

$1,113.74 - balance (this amount will increase if teams add more than 20 players per team)

Collection - will take place from 6-9pm at the SOSA office


Payments can also be made to the KWSC Treasurers via Email transfers.  Please check out this link for more information about this process:

We are currently accepting nominations for the Tier Director position that is currently vacant.  Nominations should be forwarded to the KWSC Secretary ( no later than 12:00PM on Monday, April 4, 2011.

Thank you.
KWSC Executive

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