2016 Board Elections



The following positions on the KWSC Board of Directors are up for election at the Club's Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, November 30:

President (Rachel Brace standing for re-election)

Except as provided for in the Dispute Resolution Policy of The OSA, and where the President delegates the responsibility to another person, the President shall:


*Preside at all general meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors

* Be an ex-officio member of all committees, except any nomination committee

* Appoint all chairs of standing and special committees subject to ratification by the Board

* Coordinate all duties of the Board, committees, and staff

*Be the spokesperson for the Club at all times.

* Attend committee meetings on behalf of the members


Secretary (Dora Nomikos standing for re-election)

The Secretary shall:

• Maintain a record of all minutes of the Club

• Maintain copies of all committee reports

• Notify officers and committee members of upcoming elections and / or appointments

• Provide appropriate documents needed by committee members

• Sign all certified copies of acts of the Club, unless otherwise specified in the Club's published rules,

• Maintain record books in which bylaws, published rules and minutes are documented and have the current record books available at each meeting

• Notify the membership of each general meeting

• Notify the Board of Directors of each meeting

• Conduct any general correspondence of the Club that is not the proper function of another director

• In consultation with the presiding officer prepare an order of business prior to each meeting

• In the absence of the president and vice-president, preside until the immediate election or appointment of a new presiding officer

• Attend Board Meetings


Communications Officer (Deborah Melman-Clement standing for re-election)

The Communications Officer shall:

* Be responsible for reading and responding to, where applicable, all e-mails sent to the Club

* Forward e-mails to the appropriate Director as required

* Assist the Vice President in procuring fields and/or rental contracts as required for the club

*? Be a liaison with members or affiliates for the purpose of procuring fields

* Attend Board meetings


Registrar/Tier Director (Ashley Theis, nominated)

The Registrar/ Tier Director shall:

* Register all players as per The OSA / District Association rules

* Communicate with The OSA / District Association Administrators to confirm Club registrations

* Maintain the OSA computer registration program

* Make a report of fees collected and member registration to the Board of Directors

* Collect and distribute the names of players interested in joining the Club

* Keep records of past tier winners

* Allocate teams into the appropriate tier

* Attend Board Meetings


If you are interested in running for any of these positions, please contact the club through kwsc.communications@gmail.com.


KWSC Executive





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