2016 AGM and Board Positions


The Kingston Women’s Soccer Club’s board of directors is preparing for the Club’s 2016 Annual General Meeting, which will be held in late November.


Details will be available pending confirmation, but in the meantime we can confirm that four board positions are up for election. Those positions are: 

  • President (Rachel Brace standing for re-election)

  • Secretary (Dora Nomikos standing for re-election)

  • Registrar/Tier Director (currently vacant)

  • Communications Officer (Deborah Melman-Clement standing for re-election)


    Detailed descriptions for each vacant board positions are posted below. Please be advised, however that there will be significant changes to some of these positions, which we will discuss at the AGM.


    Although three current members are standing for re-election, we encourage you contact us

    at kwsc.communications@gmail.com if you are interested in running.


    KWSC Board of Directors



    Except; as provided for in the Dispute Resolution Policy of The OSA, and where the President delegates the responsibility to another person, the President shall:

    ? Preside at all general meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors

    ? Be an ex-officio member of all committees, except any nomination committee

    ? Appoint all chairs of standing and special committees subject to ratification by the Board

    ? Coordinate all duties of the Board, committees, and staff

    ? Be the spokesperson for the Club at all times.

    ? Attend committee meetings on behalf of the members


The Secretary shall:

• Maintain a record of all minutes of the Club

• Maintain copies of all committee reports

• Notify officers and committee members of upcoming elections and / or appointments

• Provide appropriate documents needed by committee members

• Sign all certified copies of acts of the Club, unless otherwise specified in the Club's published rules,

• Maintain record books in which bylaws, published rules and minutes are documented and have the current record books available at each meeting

• Notify the membership of each general meeting

• Notify the Board of Directors of each meeting

• Conduct any general correspondence of the Club that is not the proper function of another director

• In consultation with the presiding officer prepare an order of business prior to each meeting

• In the absence of the president and vice-president, preside until the immediate election or appointment of a new presiding officer

• Attend Board Meetings


Registrar / Tier Director:

The Registrar/ Tier Director shall:

? Register all players as per The OSA / District Association rules

? Communicate with The OSA / District Association Administrators to confirm Club registrations

? Maintain the OSA computer registration program

? Make a report of fees collected and member registration to the Board of Directors

? Collect and distribute the names of players interested in joining the Club

? Keep records of past tier winners

? Allocate teams into the appropriate tier

? Attend Board Meetings


Communications Officer:

The Communications Officer shall:

? Be responsible for reading and responding to, where applicable, all e-mails sent to the Club

? Forward e-mails to the appropriate Director as required

? Assist the Vice President in procuring fields and/or rental contracts as required for the club

? Be a liaison with members or affiliates for the purpose of procuring fields

? Attend Board meetings


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